What’s A Fiduciary And Why Should My Investment Planner Be One?

4 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you've been working with an investment planner for years or are just starting the process of finding someone to work with, you know how important trust is to the relationship. You want to work with someone who has your best interests in mind. You may have heard the terms 'fiduciary' and 'fiduciary responsibility' bandied about by planners. Here's what you need to know. What's a Fiduciary? Recent legislation proposed by the Department of Labor and passed by Congress requires that investment advisors who advise clients on their individual retirement accounts be fiduciaries. Read More 

A Financial Planner Can Help You Start Your Marriage Off On The Right Financial Foot

26 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you get engaged, the next few months of your life can often seem like a blur as you plan for the wedding and reception. While taking the time to pick the proper venue, band, and caterer is important, considering what will happen after the event is over is also important. Many couples do not take the time to go into their marriage with a proper financial plan in place. The guide below walks you through a few ways a financial planner can help you establish a great financial plan to ensure that you and your future spouse can start out on the best financial foot possible. Read More 

Three Basic Steps For Establishing A Healthy Retirement Savings

13 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

In these tense economic times, retirement living isn't as simple as collecting a pension and a social security check. In order to sustain an enjoyable and stable lifestyle, you will likely need to rely on a retirement savings. While the task of saving money for retirement can seem overwhelming at first, it is doable with dedication and early planning. Set A Goal Saving money without a goal in mind is basically useless. Read More